0:02 – All right. Good morning everyone. The April 2024 Quarterly Meeting of the Friends of the Fall Line. We’ve got some great updates about the development of the Fall Line and some of the work going into raising awareness and developing community connections for this transformational trail. We’ve gotten some new funding for the Fall Line. The Central Virginia Transportation Authority contributed $12 million to the Fall Line in its last Regional pot back in February uh which brings us to our a
0:38 – total of 264 million um now the Richmond
0:44 – city council just approved $3 million
0:47 – for a section in Brian Park uh but I
0:49 – think that was money that had previously
0:51- been uh allocated so I don’t think
0:53 – that’s new money um but we are we’re up
0:56 – to a a whopping total of
0:58$264 million for this project which is
1:00just so exciting to see as we’re about
1:03to basically launch into our
1:05construction phase this year um and it’s
1:08worth noting that our our region has
1:10been working hard to put together new
1:12Grant applications to continue to fund
1:14the trail um just in the past month have
1:17um the city of Richmond put in a $40
1:20million raise Grant application and our
1:24region is submitting a $200 million EPA
1:28Grant um uh Community program Grant um
1:32that would be very transformational for
1:34what we can accomplish uh in terms of
1:36constructing the fall line through some
1:38of our more complicated sections and in
1:41the proposed budget of Richmond’s
1:44Capital Improvement program there are
1:45six million doll in this uh upcoming
1:48fiscal year with another 52 over the
1:50next five years um looking forward to U
1:55the passage of that budget and our
1:57localities being able to implement some
2:00new construction
2:02phases I do have a slide um where I uh
2:06will let some of our local Partners tune
2:08in and and give an update on on funding
2:10and development but here’s sort of an
2:12overview of where we are uh it’s largely
2:14unchanged from where we were back in
2:16January but things will start to move
2:18much more rapidly soon um there is uh
2:23construction Ono at the uh Spring Park
2:26or Park Street uh section of the fall
2:29line in Lakeside uh just right at the
2:32County City Line of heno in the city of
2:34Richmond um I have a photo of that
2:37future slide U we are anticipating the
2:40groundbreaking for the Handover section
2:44affectionally known as design build one
2:46um this month we’re finally here we we
2:51this project uh has been um existed on
2:54paper for something like three or four
2:57years now and we’re really looking
2:58forward to actually getting a a major
2:59section under construction uh and we
3:02look forward to be do giving you an
3:03update about that in just a few minutes
3:05um design Bill two which is the the
3:07southern main section from Petersburg
3:09the southern Terminus to routon and
3:12Chester um is in process and uh I look
3:16forward to Scott giving you some updates
3:18about the alignment um changes and I
3:21think we’re at a a state where we’re
3:24moving forward and then there’s
3:26development in Brian Park um
3:28administered uh sort of uniquely in our
3:31in our alignment um by Richmond Parks uh
3:34so that we have a new player at the
3:37table and looking forward to multiple
3:39construction phases ongoing in the next
3:44months uh a quick legislative update
3:46before we get into some of the report
3:48backs um the we’ve concluded this year’s
3:51General Assembly session it was exciting
3:53to see we had two Richmond area um
3:57members delegate coiner from
3:58Chesterfield and Senator van dalenberg
4:00from hrio put in $20
4:03million um budget amendment requests to
4:07fund the fall line 20 for $20 million
4:09they were not new money uh requests they
4:12would they would have allocated existing
4:14money in the state Trails budget uh to
4:17the fall line at this date or to this
4:19date the um fall line has not received
4:22any of the funding from that pot that
4:24was created two years ago and uh we
4:27certainly think that the falline is u um
4:31more than qualified to receive that
4:32funding so we will continue to do that
4:34work and and we were very excited to see
4:36the delegate and the senator um put
4:39forth that effort and to see our region
4:40come together to support that that
4:42effort the um there was another budget
4:45amendment that would have moved the
4:47state Trails office from vot to the
4:49Department of Conservation and
4:50Recreation and that ultimately did not
4:52succeed um from our standpoint the these
4:56trails are built for transportation and
4:58require a lot of specific spefic
4:59Transportation focus in terms of getting
5:01the funding and accessing right of way
5:04uh being built to uh Transportation
5:07regulate regulated standards so we um
5:11were happy to see that that stayed where
5:12it was in vot that was a very
5:14intentional Choice a couple of years ago
5:16and um it is still in V the uh but that
5:19opened up a lot of conversations uh with
5:22the general assembly and with v do about
5:24the cost of trails and just you know
5:27there’s um you’re seeing some increas
5:29that are above inflation you’re seeing
5:32some costs uh increase based on what
5:35could be design standards instead of um
5:39um just the material and and other kind
5:42of cost increases that we’re seeing and
5:44so vot is looking at investigating how
5:46they can reduce Trail costs in not any
5:49number of ways and we’ve connected them
5:53um Chuck Flink who’s literally written
5:55the book on Greenway development uh we
5:58actually bought 60 of those books books
5:59and have given out a lot of them um he’s
6:01a professor at NC State University and
6:03was very involved with the Razorback
6:05Greenway in Arkansas um so we look
6:08forward to helping to not just raise
6:10funds with our regional and um local
6:14Partners but also to address the cost
6:17side as much as we
6:20can uh this is a super exciting photo uh
6:23this is going to be Sports Backers new
6:25office uh at the Park Street section of
6:27the fall line this used to be a Bank of
6:29America building uh we’ve had just a an
6:32amazing time working with in REO County
6:34who bought this building last year and
6:36they’re helping us to prepare the site
6:39so that we can have essentially um a a
6:43uh a welcoming role uh at a major trail
6:46head along the fall line U that that
6:48Bridges the city of Richmond and and
6:50henrao County um the trail you can see
6:53is under development in this photo and
6:55we’ll run in the front in front of the
6:57building and then turn to from this
7:00Vantage to the left or to the east as it
7:02proceeds towards Lakeside Community Park
7:05um and as a part of the the Lakeside
7:08phases of henrico’s fall line
7:10development uh we are currently raising
7:13money for to renovate the building we’re
7:15approximately halfway there and our our
7:18internal goal was to be in the building
7:19by the end of the year did I miss
7:30no that that’s all that’s all right Bley
7:33yeah we’ve uh been out getting money
7:36raised and you know with the trail
7:38running right through the ATM Lane uh
7:40and then we’re building a
7:43fitness room meeting room under the
7:46eight uh the other drive-thru Lanes so
7:49and then all the asphalt on that side
7:52will basically be replaced with trail
7:54head amenities and features um by by
7:57hrio County so it’s it’s it’s a awesome
8:01partnership and and it’s going to
8:03transform this corner and hopefully be
8:06you know the center of All Things Fall
8:08Line yeah and we get asked about
8:11bathrooms a lot and when we get when uh
8:14two three years ago people would have
8:16questions about well what kind of
8:17bathrooms are going to be installed and
8:19where will they be in where will the
8:20trail heads be and what what kind of
8:21benches should we buy and what should
8:24Trail heads look like and that that
8:26ultimately led us to wanting to develop
8:29the fall line Vision plan because we
8:31wanted to have at least some kind of
8:32central guiding document so that our
8:34locality Partners would have some sense
8:36of what what kind of consistent looking
8:38feel there could be uh and some
8:40systematic planning about where people
8:42would access the trail and whatnot and
8:44now we’re we’re starting to see some of
8:46that being developed and hrio is um sort
8:48of where the bobcad is on the left here
8:51um is where henrio will be building um
8:55publicly accessed bathrooms for for
8:57trail users really exciting to see that
9:01um I can’t see if anyone from heno
9:03County would like to weigh in uh now or
9:06on a future slide about development of
9:08project I’m I’m here brandley
9:12HD go ahead um yeah good morning
9:15everybody so yeah we’re very excited
9:17about the partnership um the site’s a
9:19mess right now but uh Sports Backers and
9:23their architect has done a nice
9:25rendering and actually we’re going to be
9:27using that at our board meeting next
9:29week for the substantial cord for the
9:31trail head um that kind of helps show
9:34what this sit ultimately can look like
9:37when it’s done so apparently I don’t
9:39know if you have that to share with the
9:40group but that would be nice to put up
9:42on the screen if you have it I’ll I’ll
9:44probably have to find it separately um I
9:46don’t have it to hand actually I can
9:49probably drop it in the um in the chat
9:52oh that would be great I’ll do that yeah
9:54I yeah the um the renderings have been
9:56fun to work on and our architect is
9:58having a good
10:01time uh in Brian Park so this is just
10:03over Lakeside Boulevard into the City of
10:05Richmond um there has been some some
10:07work by parks to um do a tree retention
10:12study and so these trees are marked you
10:14can see there’s a this is the playground
10:16section near the soccer fields and the
10:18kind of the main um T
10:21intersection by the main entrance to the
10:23park uh these trees have been marked to
10:25be retained uh so that when the trail is
10:28specifically aligned through the Section
10:30between the the parking lot and the um
10:34and the soccer fields that we can retain
10:36as much of these treats as possible um
10:38it was it wasn’t clear to the public
10:39what this was about but we’ve done a lot
10:41of community engagement since this photo
10:43was released um to show that you know uh
10:47to demonstrate really that trees are
10:49Trail amenities and the shade is going
10:50to be very important to Trail users and
10:52we look forward to to saving you know
10:55the majority I mean as many trees as as
10:57possible um there’s another update in
11:00Brian Park that’s not specifically
11:01related to the Fallen but will impact it
11:03uh the old dams in uh and the the
11:07northern part of the of the park have
11:09been deemed to be um uh needed to be
11:13replaced and they’re actually not going
11:16to be replaced as dams uh but instead
11:19removed uh for modern um hydrology
11:23concerns and and regulations and so one
11:26of the the main dams is actually the
11:28alignment of the fall line uh exiting
11:31the park from the North or to the north
11:33so the um the when those do finally be
11:37replaced they would they would need to
11:38be replaced with some sort of a um
11:40shared use path Bridge um I’m I’m
11:45confident that when that is done the
11:46fall line will will be uh a u it’ll be a
11:50quality connection for the fall line but
11:52it’ll be a big project um when that is
11:55finally completed and uh you know
11:57something to just to to pay attention to
12:02you all right um I’m happy to stop
12:05sharing my screen and to allow anyone
12:08like um I don’t know if Scott has joined
12:10he just gave a lengthy presentation at
12:12the fallowing working group um there’s
12:14lots of development on DB1 and
12:21db2 I don’t see Scott
12:28on I don’t
12:31know Todd was that meeting still going
12:34when you
12:37left no it it wrapped
12:40up okay well um I may come back to this
12:44in a minute if Scott’s able to join the
12:48um the sort of the main takeaway is that
12:53major progress has happened on design
12:54build one the Handover section and
12:56design build two the southern section
12:58and and um we will have the opportunity
13:02to break ground next month in the
13:05northern section there’s a lot of
13:07excitement a lot of planning is going
13:08into it and I’ll I’ll just go back to my
13:10presentation for
13:24um thanks Phil uh I will say that the
13:27plan RVA does a great job of recording
13:29in and Publishing their falline working
13:30group meetings on their YouTube page too
13:32so you can always check those um in the
13:35future I’d like that we like to run this
13:38so that we have some duplicate
13:40information on the friends of the fall
13:41line but it’s not the only place that
13:43you can find this information does
13:45anybody from uh um one of our locality
13:48Partners or the cbta want to give any
13:51kind of an update about progress in your
14:01apparently I have a mouth full of
14:03peanuts right now not a good time all
14:18sure um did you say that you wanted to
14:21go there we go perfect sorry about that
14:23I you caught me right as I threw way too
14:25many peanuts in my mouth
14:28um sorry yes we just did have our uh
14:32fall on working group for cbta which um
14:36uh you are just saying Scott Fischer
14:38he’s um with v do and had a very lengthy
14:42presentation on uh the design build one
14:45section which is north uh from Woodman
14:49Road up to Ashland and uh the design
14:53build two section which is basically
14:54Petersburg up to Route 10 in Chester um
14:58both both of those sections um you know
15:01he had some details on when it would
15:02start but design build one um like we’ve
15:07probably uh gone over a lot of this but
15:09very recent details that a lot of that
15:10is going to be under construction most
15:12of the sections should be under
15:14construction by the end of the year
15:15which is pretty awesome um and then with
15:17design build two it’s more like 25 to
15:20start with a lot of those because they
15:21they they’re behind on the process for M
15:24us and
15:26um and the uh
15:29contractors getting the design build the
15:32you know everything out to the
15:34contractors so anyway um like Brantley
15:36said we will have that available on the
15:38plan RVA website um under the friends of
15:42Fallen working group but um that’ll be
15:45posted later on today if you want to
15:47review and to see some of what Scott
15:50fiser was presenting um we I just posted
15:53the link to the uh the funding page and
15:56you can track a lot of the funding um we
15:59we continue to update those pages that
16:01funding is sort of um as we captured it
16:05at that time the money does move around
16:07in some of these sections and we are
16:10continuing to um seek new funding
16:14because we we still haven’t funded the
16:15entire Trail and just this past Monday
16:19uh thanks to sportsbackers a lot of our
16:21partners uh friends of uh friends of
16:24lower aromatics U all the regional
16:26Partners we we did submit a
16:30um climate um cprg I always GNA have a
16:36problem remembering the exact acronym
16:37what it stands for but a grant that
16:39would help fund uh the Gap uh that we we
16:43have uh for the majority of the Fall
16:45Line Trail um if we don’t get that one
16:48it was a good practice run for us to
16:50hopefully seek uh something else raise
16:52Grant something else so uh but still
16:54trying to to close a lot of the gaps in
16:57the city and um basically Northern parts
17:01of Chesterfield and and whatever else um
17:05so that’s about all I have thanks Phil
17:08two other things that Scott mentioned
17:09that I thought were useful um for design
17:12build one the Handover section it does
17:14include some of hrio County and and
17:16crossing the Chickahominy they’re how
17:18they’re going to uh proceed is starting
17:20at Woodman Road and heading north to the
17:22Chickahominy and then they’re going to
17:24go uh from the north to the South and
17:27they’re going to actually have multiple
17:28sections being built at the same time it
17:30is it is a f mile section um but it’s
17:33interesting to to see that uh it won’t
17:35be starting in Ashland on day one but I
17:38think from a from a um from a section
17:42standpoint it’s relatively short and
17:43should be able to be completed fairly
17:46simply because it’s um it’s not the most
17:48challenging environment that’s one of
17:49the reasons why it can be a design build
17:51the second was they um a conversation
17:54about the crossing of Route 10 for
17:57design build 2 came came up and they’re
18:00at least exploring V Dot is at least
18:02exploring the possibility of tunneling
18:04under route 10 it’s going to come down
18:07to cost and it’s also going to come down
18:08to what they’re the ult the uh design
18:11build firm that they end up working with
18:13for this uh you know it hasn’t gone out
18:15to bid yet so they don’t know who it’s
18:17going to be um what they’re capable of
18:19doing but there’re it’s good to see that
18:21you know our conversations that have
18:22going back for a couple of years now and
18:24really highlighted in the fall line
18:25Vision plan about the importance of that
18:27safe Crossing particular uh it’s being
18:30explored um that I think the future of
18:33the trail should should definitely see
18:35some kind of improved Crossing for that
18:37road yeah the traffic volumes alone on
18:41Route 10 would make it a little bit more
18:43difficult but that is a midblock
18:45Crossing as they have it planned right
18:47now and um yeah it would be much more
18:50beneficial to go underneath for safety
18:52reasons and hopefully I guess for just
18:54the the the look and feel of the trail
18:58and being separate from Route 10 but I’m
19:00glad that they’re still considering that
19:02because yeah I mean if if there’s a
19:04difference of a few million there’s a
19:07of you know lives being saved I guess
19:10from that that bad spot I was with you
19:13Brantley and and the others when we were
19:15doing our um our tour along there and I
19:18don’t remember being happy standing on
19:22the side of the road on Route 10 as we
19:24were observing things so yeah anything
19:26we can do to to separate would be best
19:32all right um we released the fall line
19:35Vision plan I think many of you were
19:36very active in our two charettes that we
19:39in3 um it was sort of informally
19:42released late 2023 November December but
19:46we uh in working with our partners and
19:49and we released a a really highly
19:51attended webinar um hosted by plan RBA
19:54chat Parsons from the Central Virginia
19:56Transportation Authority covered the ad
19:58administrative and funding elements uh
20:00and what our regional and and locality
20:03Partners have done to help generate all
20:05this fundraising that’s made this Trail
20:07possible um and then Andy Clark from
20:10Tool design who completed the fall line
20:12Vision plan uh for sports Beckers as
20:15consultants talk about their process and
20:17what what was in the plan and sort of
20:20the the unique approach that we took to
20:23highlighting the placemaking
20:24opportunities for this 43 mile uh Trail
20:27Corridor um then we presented sort of
20:29what’s in the plan uh it’s available now
20:31we we we have a few hard copies we’ve
20:33been giving them in ones and twos to our
20:35locality Partners um but it’s available
20:37online now and we talked about it in
20:40some detail back in January um so it was
20:43it was it’s exciting that it’s out in
20:44the public uh it got some media
20:46attention and it really is going to be
20:49what sportsbackers uses for the next 12
20:51months and more to really get
20:53communities engaged uh and and to see
20:55how they can contribute to not you know
20:58no body can pave our own Trails but we
21:00can we can generate art and culture and
21:04uh Community involvement uh with the
21:06placemaking and and programming aspects
21:08of the
21:10trail we uh just few weeks ago went to
21:14the National Bike Summit as we do each
21:16year and we were able to we were um
21:18privileged to be joined by Dara Moore
21:20Clark the fall line um lead for the city
21:23and for the Central Virginia
21:24Transportation Authority uh to advocate
21:27for the funding that we were just about
21:28to apply for the raise Grant and the EPA
21:31Grant so um this is Jennifer mlen our
21:34congresswoman in the center and we were
21:36also able to meet with the offices of
21:38Mark uh Warner and Tim Kane and they
21:41were all very interested in what we were
21:43applying for and you know they didn’t
21:45make any promises they never would but
21:47they um you know the fall line is
21:48definitely on their radar and they
21:50understand the high potential for it for
21:52as a transportation Corridor through our
21:53region um and of course they have uh
21:56Mark Warner and Tim Kane have given a $2
21:59million earmark to the the fall line a
22:01few years ago that um is being used in
22:04the southern portion uh so they’ve
22:06already given some funding and now they
22:08have the opportunity to help um secure
22:10some additional funds for us and it was
22:13a fun day on the hill uh and uh beyond
22:16the lobbying aspect we have uh just
22:19yesterday we gave a presentation to the
22:22Urban Land Institute uh on the fall line
22:24and all all of its fundraising and and
22:27zoning and development implications
22:29Urban Land Institute is a u nonprofit
22:32largely educational group for the
22:34private sector of of Development and
22:36Construction so there’s planners and
22:38Landscape Architects um uh designers and
22:42and developers there construction Crews
22:45that um we were able to describe sort of
22:48the future of our region and how
22:50placemaking Trail oriented development
22:52quality of life um are going to be
22:54essential to our region and also
22:57essential to the impact that the fall
22:58line can have and frankly these are
23:01going to be the people who build this
23:02stuff I mean um there are design build
23:05firm um groups in this um cohort and I
23:10even know that one of the people has um
23:12been a part of one of the firms that has
23:14applied for some of the fall line
23:16Construction so it was a it was an
23:18exciting group and we were joined by
23:19Miles bushing from plan RVA to talk
23:21about the transportation funding aspect
23:23and Richard Saunders from Chesterfield
23:25County zoning office to talk about how Z
23:28can be updated how it can be um it can
23:32be designed to encourage Trail oriented
23:36development to to Really achieve goals
23:38like Economic Development and
23:41placemaking and uh I don’t have a photo
23:43of it because in the bottom left where
23:45we were at plan RVA uh plan they have
23:47been such great hosts to the 11th Annual
23:50Bike walk RVA Academy we’ve been meeting
23:52there every Tuesday since the beginning
23:53of March um with this cohort we will
23:57have graduated 2 20 uh adult uh citizen
24:01Advocates to be bike ped effective bike
24:03ped Advocates and it’s been very dreamy
24:06to have this great boardroom to have our
24:08uh to to host our Academy and they
24:11they’ve really dedicated a lot of Staff
24:12time to to be um supportive of us there
24:16on on Tuesday nights and just really
24:17appreciate all the time and effort that
24:19they’ve given to what we think is the
24:21our Flagship program at Mike walk RVA in
24:24terms of uh generating a an authentic
24:28and and effective
24:32advocacy got some uh good after pens um
24:35we have some exciting dates to announce
24:37and want to make sure that you are um
24:40available and and and um can attend the
24:43the most exciting is I’ve been working
24:45with Aaron Reed Miller in Han County and
24:47Emmy Richards in Ashland in particular
24:50and and as well as vot and some other um
24:53stakeholders to uh announce the
24:56groundbreaking for design build one the
24:57hanur section we were just mentioning it
24:59will be April 23rd uh 10:00 a.m. to
25:0212:00 p.m. uh at the southern end of the
25:04existing ashin trolley line so uh if you
25:07if you walk the boardwalk now South and
25:10it it it’s currently paved in concrete
25:12and has a railing and then it turns into
25:14a dirt Trail that’s where the the fall
25:16line is going to pick up and that will
25:18be the the site of the event um I I make
25:21sure that all the friends of the fall
25:23line members get a calendar invite so
25:26you’ll you’ll see that in your inbox but
25:28but it’s a it’s an exciting opportunity
25:30for our region to celebrate we are
25:32trying to get the governor to come we
25:34anticipate having uh you know some great
25:36dignitaries from our region to to
25:38celebrate it get their photos and have
25:40some golden shovels out there um should
25:42be a great time and should be for me
25:44anyways it’s going to feel like
25:45something of a release like we’re
25:46finally here and we finally have one of
25:48our big phases under construction uh and
25:51and what we’ll we hope to be a year of
25:53of a lot of Trail development for the
25:56following um at sportsbackers we are
26:00announcing our first quarterly service
26:03event for the fall line so this is an
26:04idea that came out of the fall line
26:06Vision plan uh we have a lot of
26:08communities to engage and we have a lot
26:09of partners that we can assist with both
26:12raising awareness and enthusiasm for the
26:14fall line but partnering on efforts that
26:16they’re already doing in their
26:18communities um our first event will be
26:20partnering with groundwork RVA and the
26:22bellme community in South Richmond um
26:25and they have a uh a community Bike Shop
26:28in a park next to an elementary school
26:30on a community center that is very close
26:33to the alignment for the fall line and
26:34they’re they’re excited about the
26:36connections to uh or active
26:38Transportation connections to the river
26:40and Beyond um and we will be working
26:42with them to maintain their park and uh
26:46potentially do some some plantings as
26:48well working with Richmond parks
26:50department as well to to work through
26:52some of those logistical details but
26:54we’re we’re going to call this
26:55quarterway service program the green
26:57streets team I just ordered a bunch of
26:58green vests uh for us to have a little
27:01uniform and we look forward to engaging
27:03Partners along the entire 43m Corridor
27:06uh every quarter uh to to really bring
27:09the fall line into their the sense of
27:12their place and to look for
27:13opportunities for partnership um our in
27:16July for our next event it’s tentative
27:19it’s still have some things to be ironed
27:21out but we’re we’re looking to do a
27:22clean up around Virginia Union
27:24University and then we’re hoping that by
27:27by October
27:28there may be some service opportunity in
27:30Handover or on the Handover section um
27:34based on the construction schedule but
27:36if not we’ll find something
27:37else and then we’re we’re privileged to
27:40be able to give a presentation about the
27:41fall line and the fall line Vision plan
27:43at this year’s Virginia Greenways
27:45conference is presented by the Virginia
27:48United land trusts uh it’s it’ll be in
27:50Fredericksburg at the University of Mary
27:52Washington and uh we really think that
27:55like this is our opportunity to show the
27:59fall line to the state of Virginia in a
28:01way we haven’t before um and all the
28:03hard work that’s been that vot our
28:05locality partners and our stakeholder
28:07Partners have made possible for this
28:10Trail I think I might be at the end of
28:12my presentation um I don’t know if Scott
28:15might have been able to
28:17join um but our next meeting will be
28:19July 3r first Wednesday of of uh each
28:22quarter and we look forward to you
28:29any questions or
28:38discussion I will make sure that we get
28:41when I send out some notes we can share
28:44the the video from plan RVA uh or the
28:47the cbta fall line working group um
28:49Scott did present several Maps today
28:51with the updated alignments talked
28:53through the river crossing and at the
28:56Chickahominy and Beyond
28:58I was I um sorry we don’t have that
29:02presentation here for you
29:04today well we look forward to seeing you
29:06 – this month April 23rd groundbreaking put
29:09 – on a tie and get your picture
29:13 – taken thanks so much thanks
29:19 – y’all thanks
29:26 – Brantley